
We proudly announce a DXpedition to Úlfljótsvatn where we will activate the infamous TF3SYLRA callsign, fight for going on air, enjoy each other’s company and encourage each other up a summit or two. You can’t have friendship without the hardship!

Program (draft), local time UTC

Wednesday 28th of May 2025

17:00 Leaving punctually from Reykjavík (precise location TBA). Registration necessary, the bus will leave on time.

19:00 Dinner at Úlfljótsvatn

The evening will consist of setting up the equipment, testing it and going on air

Early to bed with excitement for what’s to come 


Breakfast, lunch, midday coffee, dinner, radio, set-up, arts and crafts, a lot of talking, enjoyment

On-air time

SOTA (weather dependant, more info to come)

Gala dinner Saturday

At Úlfljótsvatn there’s plenty to do, if you have any suggestions or wish to give a presentation or a demonstration, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , we would love to have you!

Sunday - leaving

Early breakfast, clean-up, early lunch

13:00 Bus leaves Úlfljótsvatn for the Golden Circle (Þingvellir, Gullfoss, Geysir etc.) and ends in Reykjavík latest 21:00.

More information to come in February

Optional program:

The scout museum could open up for us if people are interested, it’s about 10min walk from our accommodation.