It is important for the project to represent WOMEN in Radio communication.
One of the female composer Neli Pantsulaia, will do a piece called " Female voices of the world". She has recorded female voices from DKDM and will mix it with voices from female Radio Amateurs. The piece will be performed live by OZ7AGR Inger Lundin and OZ7PR Petra Larsen. For the Piece Neli needs more female radio amateur’s voices. Therefore we a kindly ask you to participate by recording (with your telephone): CQ CQ CQ and your personal call sign and then send it to Neli This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 0045 91564744.
Please text your name and where you come from.
Thanks a lot
Helle Fuglsang / Neli Pantsulaia / OZ7AGR Inger Lundin / OZ7PR Petra Larsen.
16 YL will operate from the expedition on L'Île de Noirmoutier
Dear YLs,
The dates for the meeting are now confirmed.
YL's Mio, JR3MVF, and Kay, WA0WOF, will be QRV from Bhutan from April 29 to May 5, 2018.
Further info on Kay's QRZ page: WA0WOF
For the fifth time, the DARC's YL group and Sophie F4DHQ are organizing an international YL-Activity at the International Women's Day on:
Thursday, March 8th, 2018 from 18:00 until 22:00 Z (19:00 until 23:00 UTC)
on 20m, 40m and 80m in SSB & CW
For further information see Sophie's website
During 2018 there will be featured a YL of the month. This is an idea that was brought up at the SYLRA Kungsbacka meeting in 2017.
We have been asking several YL to answer several questions about them selves as radio amateurs, including a photo.
If you are a SYLRA member and would like to participate (this is nothing serious, just fun, hi) please contact the webmaster Anna at tf3vb<a>sylra<dot>is for further information.
Detailed picture pages are at SM6KAT's web site
Happy anniversary to all SYLRA members, we are now 14 years and still going strong.
SYLRA YLs will be on air the Sunday Aug. 20th
We propose 14.332 +/- QRM around 14:00 UTC as the main event but let's be QRV as much as we can this Sunday, hi.
Welcome to the SYLRA-meeting in Kungsbacka, Sweden. Date is 8-10 September 2017.
We are going to visit Onsala Space Observatory ( OSO ), we will learn what microwaves from outer space can tell us.
Next day we will see the unique long-wave-transmitter Grimeton ( ) and a lot more.
Registration is now open.
Hope to meet you,
Anita SM6FXW and Solveig SM6KAT
BYLARA will be hosting an International YL Conference in 2016.
Please note that RSGB Convention for 2016 will be from 7th – 9th October, so those are the dates to work around for our IYL event.
We hope to have something arranged for the three days previous as well, leading up to the RSGB lectures etc.
The convention will be held in Milton Keynes
The news, agenda and further information will appear on
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